Monday, 19 September 2016

Tournament 1 in the books

So tournaments are a ton of fun. In this case it was the first tournament our area has had and brought together 6 players. A small tournament is the perfect for a lot of reasons, they're fun, you get in some games and more importantly they bring together a community.

That definitely happened last weekend. I wish I had taken pictures, but in all honesty I was just trying to figure out what I was doing. Team yankee is close to flames of war, but it's not flames of war. And you have to remember that.

So three games and they all went pretty quickly.

We used the Mission selector and as such each person could pick what they wanted to do on a table after seeing it and comparing it to their army. It was awesome. I loved the Generals game before the game, where it allowed you to make tactical decisions based on the force you had, the enemy you were facing and the ground as it lay. This is possibly the most important and best decision battlefront made with the game. There. I said it.

So First game was on an interesting table, farmlands were broken up by a large town in the center of the table. There was a lot of room to move but the center of the table blocked off forces and really made manoeuvre both required and at times difficult.

I got to play against West Germans, a T-72 Battalion and a BMP-1 Motor Rilfe Battalion. It was awesome, all really different forces and just a ton of fun.

I'd go through the games but really this one was just about people learning the rules, having some fun and bringing together a community.

Now the biggest thing I realized in all of this is the cards... I hate the cards. I wanted to like them. I really did. But I just make a mess of them all over, I never find the right one and I just keep fumbling through it before going to the book.

I can't wait to play again and am looking forward to watching my community really get on board and start loving a really fun game.

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